ZERO Bird Mortality in Barão de São João Wind Farm

ZERO Bird Mortality in Barão de São João Wind Farm

Additional Info

  • Date Tuesday, 16 January 2018

We are happy to announce that during the 2017 Autumn Migration Season the soaring bird mortality at the Barão São João (BSJ) Wind Farm was zero.
The E.ON’s 50MW BSJ Wind Farm is located in Sagres region, Southwest Portugal, which is part of an important migratory flyway, crossed by 5000 individuals of 30 soaring bird species every autumn. In each season these birds over fly over the wind farm on several occasions resulting in over 25 000 individual flight movements at the wind farm site.
The BSJ wind farm is the world pioneer of our BIRDTRACK system, a radar-based solution that avoids mortality of birds at wind farms by selectively shutting down turbines subject to operation under special environmental restrictions as a result of intense bird migratory flux or the presence of endangered species.

STRIX has been running Birdtrack at BSJ since 2010. Radar Assisted Shutdown on Demand at BSJ wind farm is an extremely successful case study of reconciliation between wind energy production and nature conservation at bird-sensitive areas. The wind turbine shutdown was very effective, and unnecessary shutdown was fully avoided resulting in residual loss of energy production.

To know more about Birdtrack, please click here.